ARG! Cartoon Animation LLC

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Welcome to, home of the Oklahoma animation studio where Artie Stick cartoons are created. In 1981 we founded a contract studio providing animation for commercials, movies and TV shows, serving hundreds of producers. But these days, we don't accept contract work any more, and ARG! is only producing our own insanely great animated cartoons. We're now in production on "Artie Stick vs. The Aliens," directed by studio founder Artie Romero with a screenplay by Scott Jessop, storyboard by Laura Fouse, and starring Chris Hardy.

Artie Romero's screen credits include SpongeBob SquarePants for MTV Networks, the digital Keanu Reeves in Johnny Mnemonic (1995), and three seasons of Adventures of Turtle Taido, Muyiwa Kayode's award-winning African TV series, now showing on Prime Video. Artie also directed Tara Miller's "Taffy the Pink Hippopotamus," which has won 22 awards and was screened at San Diego Comic-Con. He produced and directed Sheree Morris' 13 minute animated comedy "Monkey & Cat," and his most recent short is "There's Nothing Wrong with Me," which was released on April 28 and has already won several awards.

This website has thousands of original animations that we made, so... enjoy!

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    ARG! Cartoon Animation
phone (720) 989-1251

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Updated 07/19/2024