Darrel Anderson has been creating and inventing professionally for about 25 years.

His current project, "GroBot," is software designed to give kids a fast, fun, intuitive 3D drawing environment. It also features a simple programming language that provides a means of exploring art/science

In 1994-95, Darrel collaborated with Braid partner
Rick Berry and PCA's Gene Bodio scripting, designing and producing the CGI cyberspace climax for the TriStar motion picture Johnny Mnemonic.

Illustration/Publication: Darrel's work has appeared in various Science Fiction books and magazines over the last three decades. More recently he has contributed to CDs, web site designs, and other electronic publications. His work has also been featured in Computer Graphics World, MacWeek, MacWorld, Computer Pictures, and Computer Artist.

Designer/Author of: 3D object libraries for Antic Publishing. Various articles on digital art for Antic Magazine. Various RenderMan Shaders, The Valis Group. Microbots 3D object libraries in RenderMan format for The Valis Group. 3D Studio Object Deformation and Particle System plug-ins (IPAS) for The Yost Group.

Teaching: Guest Artist/Instructor at California State University's Summer Arts Program. Guest artist/lecturer at Tufts University, and Modesto Junior College.

Awards: Lots of awards in Science Fiction art shows throughout the 70's and 80's. Five awards in MacWorld Magazines annual Macintosh Masters competition, including two first place awards. Awarded top honors in PIXAR's call for images for the 1991 MacWorld Expo. Second place in the Truevision International Videographics Competition. Spectrum Art Annual.

Braid ::: Rick Berry Bio ::: Darrel Anderson Bio
Rick Berry Art ::: Darrel Anderson Art