Mad computer with background - 8K
Mad computer on black - 3K
Angry computer on black - 4K
Angry computer - 3K
Angry computer white background - 3K
Angry computer on white - 4K
Back to school - 39K
Back to school small - 28K
Book beater - 30K
Book bully painted background - 158K
Braindead - 11K
Pencil writing "1 + 1," - 4K
Pencil small - 1K
Pencil writes - 3K
School bus stop - 10K
School bus stop with background - 24K
School bus with bg - 21K
School bus stop - 2K
School bus stop large - 10K
Bus stop with bg - 6K
School bus stop blue bg - 10K
School kid with bg, small - 3K
School bus stop still cartoon + bg - 6K
School bus stop JPEG - 15K
School bus stop still GIF - 1K
Schoolgirl at desk - 3K
Schoolgirl at her desk, African-American - 4K
Schoolgirl at desk with bg - 11K

Schoolgirl at desk with bg - 7K
Schoolgirl at desk - 4K
Schoolgirl at her desk - 3K
Girl eating teacher's apple - 2K
Book worm - 10K 
Book worm small - 5K
Book worm smaller - 4K
Bookworm and apple wallpaper
Web page background - 2K
Teacher's point - 52K 
Teacher's point faster loading - 29K
Graduate in cap and gown wallpaper
Web page background - 1K
Dancing words "good job!" - 38K
"Good job!" blue/black - 30K
Dancing "great student!" green/black - 47K
"Great student!" white/black - 26K
Dancing words "school spirit" - 40K

Dancing word "Super!" green - 28K
"Super!", red/white - 28K
Dancing letters "P. T. A." red/white - 18K
P.T.A. blue/white - 20K
PTA gold/black - 17K
PTA gold - 14K
PTA green/black - 14K
PTA green - 18K
PTA large, red/black - 40K
PTA large, yellow/black - 40K
PTA medium, yellow/black - 31K
Dancing "Back to School" - 29K
"Back to School" green/black, small - 46K
"Back to School" green/black - 48K

"Back to school" red - 58K
Bouncing school book with pencil - 5K
Book with notepad - 2K
Cartoon book with a pencil - 7K
Book bouncing more, face and pencil - 16K
Book with pencil and notepad Unimpressed - 3K
Suspicious teacher cartoon - 3K
Suspicious teacher African-American - 3K
Smiling, squinting teacher - 2K
Smiling, squinting teacher African-American - 2K
Puzzled teacher - 3K
Puzzled teacher African-American - 3K
Scary teacher cartoon - 5K
Scary African-American teacher - 4K
Scary teacher cartoon, with short hair - 4K
Scary teacher cartoon - 5K
Dancing grade A- (A minus) - 9K
Dancing grade A+ (A plus) - 10K
Dancing grade B- (B minus) - 8K
Dancing grade B+ (B plus) - 10K
Dancing grade C- (C minus) - 9K
Dancing grade C+ (C plus) - 10K
Dancing grade D- (D minus) - 8K
Dancing grade D+ (D plus) - 9K
Dancing grade F- (F minus) - 8K
Dancing grade F+ (F plus) - 9K

Girl reading a book - 17K
Complete alphabet animation red/black, small - 10K
Complete alphabet animation red/black - 14K

The complete alphabet black - 10K
Complete alphabet white/black, small - 10K
Animated A to Z white/black - 14K
Alphabet sequence red/blue - 14K
Alphabet, yellow/blue - 14K
Book with flipping pages - 13K
Cropped version - 13K
Medium size - 10K
Small - 5K
Brain escapes from head - 21K 
Large size - 22K
Square format version - 22K
Medium size - 16K
Tiny version - 15K
School bus cartoon transparent - 23K 
Big bus, white bg - 22K
Bus, tiny - 9K
Big bus on transparent background - 22K
School bus still cartoon - 5K
Funny school bus cartoon - 11K
School bus, animated background - 21K
School bus animation, cropped - 18K
School bus still cartoon - 8K
Copyright © 2024 ARG! Cartoon Animation™. Updated 03/03/2020