Taffy the Pink Hippopotamus is a heartfelt animated short for children by writer and executive producer Tara Miller. Over a year in the making, this 6 minute cartoon is a first for our studio, because it combines traditional 2D character animation with Blender 3D backgrounds and live action effects. It was completed November 11, 2021 at our Oklahoma studio. It's won several film festival awards already, and is scheduled to be screened at Wondercon Anaheim the weekend of April 1, 2022! Monkey & Cat's pilot episode, "Everybody Wants Milk," is now on Amazon Prime Video, and the new cartoon show's 4K director's cut by Artie Romero is in production. We're excited about screenings of the Sheree' Morris film at film festivals worldwide, where it's already garnered 28 awards and 7 nominations. Over 18 months in production at ARG!, the pilot and a teaser trailer both turned out insanely great. Follow us on Twitter for updates. David S. Tumpkin is the creator and executive producer of the Christian music show "ofGod." ARG! is now producing a series of animated music videos featuring David's cartoon band, two of which have already been released. "ofGod: Miracles" was completed in May, 2020 and has already won 12 IMDb recognized awards. The second video was released in November, 2020. It's "ofGod: There's Nothing Like Being Saved." Teressa G and The Monkeys' kindie pop music animation, Tub Soup was completed in November 2019 and has won several awards, including a Gold Award from International Independent Film Awards. In the story, Teressa G & The Monkeys have fun taking a bath, playing with their rubber duckies and enjoy their fantasy about an underwater adventure. They pretend to be sharks and swim with a dolphin, tropical fish, a mermaid, Noah's Ark and colorful jellyfish. Attention Turtle Taido fans! Be sure to look for seasons 1 and 2 of our favorite cartoon series, Adventures of Turtle Taido, now showing on Amazon Prime Video. Series creator Muyiwa Kayode has another season, 12 episodes, all finished and these will no doubt show up on Prime very soon. We are thrilled with the HD quality of the shows. Artie has recently won numerous film festival awards and honors. How Cartoons Are Made, Pedro at the Rainbow Bridge with Morgan Freeman, Lear's Nonsense and The American Heart Association's Hands Only CPR Hip Hop have garnered multiple laurels. Props to all the ARG! artists and technicians who worked hard to make these animations successful! Our original 25-year-old domain Artie.com has been replaced by the new, up and coming ArtieStick.com! Please change your ARG! website bookmarks, links and favorites to ArtieStick.com. The Artie.com domain was sold in November, 2018 to Ryan Horrigan and Armando Kirwin's VR startup Artie, Inc. Check back here often as we add hundreds of exciting new pages to this already happy site. Can't find something here? Check our sitemap. We've eliminated subdomains such as blog.artie.com that we used on our old site. Here are links to that content: The Artie Show, ARG! ecards, Flash cartoons, ARG! animation shop and Abnormal Toons. Artie Romero is teaching advanced animation classes at Indian Capital Technology Center (ICTC) in Stilwell Oklahoma. The class sizes are small with no more than five students. The focus of instruction is animating characters for TV in drawn animation with OpenToonz and 3D utilizing Autodesk Maya and Blender. In the fall of 2021 he's also offering one-on-one mentorships and portfolio reviews through ICTC. The ARG! studio is producing a half-hour TV special. It will be hosted by our signature character Artie Stick, and broadcast on independent stations in over 100 U.S. cities. As of this writing, we are adding a new 17\-minute Artie Stick cartoon to the show, "Artie Stick vs. the Aliens," a science fiction spoof based on Artie Romero's comic book story published in Realm #7. Congratulations to ARG! director Matt Rebel for winning a Gold Award from International Independent Film Awards for How Cartoons Are Made. Also, our studio's animated short Lear's Nonsense starring Ron Hayden was named an official selection by Blissfest333. Actor Morgan Freeman contributed commentary for our production of Pedro at the Rainbow Bridge. Thanks to all our hard-working team members for turning in such terrific performances. Our studio has been very busy lately, producing up to 33 films simultaneously, including TV cartoon episodes, Maya and Blender animations for software products, TV commercials for Madison Avenue ad agencies, 4K web videos for businesses and fun, engaging explainer videos. We stay busy with pre-production work and animation for movies, TV shows, commercials, music videos, web, software and more, serving more than 700 clients worldwide, including HP, Prudential, Kaiser Permanente, Duracell, Transamerica, PBS, American Heart Association, Safeco Insurance and Red Bull. We enjoy producing animation for many small companies, non-profits and individuals as well. please take a look at our screen credits and awards. ARG! productions are full 4K resolution, and more animators and artists are joining ARG! If you are an animation student or graduate and want to get studio experience and IMDb screen credits, why not apply for an internship? A virtual intership means you won't have to relocate. We've helped close to 200 talented artists get their start in this industry.
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ARG! Cartoon Animation, LLC phone 720.989.1251 |