Drawn and animated by ARG! Cartoon Animation for The American Heart Association, this is the final cut of Hands Only CPR Hip Hop. It won Best Music Video at the 2018 Top Indie Film Awards and Best Instructional Music Video at the 2017 Hollywood Hills Awards. Get the PDF press kit
Everybody needs a hero sometimes,
heroes do a lot more than just fight crimes.
You could be one, just put your hands in the air;
say, say I am here.
It's time to stand up, It's time to make a difference.
Don't be a bystander or just another witness.
Real heroes care, they make it their business
and you could be like them all you gotta do is listen;
'cause I'm gonna tell you how you can turn the world around.
If you put your mind to it you can reach the stars.
Learn the new CPR.
It can happen anywhere, you could be in the park,
you see someone collapse, hit the ground hard.
Be calm, speak loud here's what to say.
If they are over eight ask them if they are okay.
If there's no response point to someone at the scene;
it could be her, could be him, yo it could be me.
Tell 'em get a phone dial 911,
then start CPR immediately.
You are needed here, really there's no need to fear.
You are a hero, act boldly.
the new CPR it is hands only.
It's effective and it's simple so listen homie.
Place your hands on the chest,
push hard and fast, real hard don't rest.
You have to push hard enough to move the chest down 2 inches.
Don't worry about hurting 'em - they wont hit ya.
They will thank ya cause they'd rather have a bruise than lose their life, you get the picture.
Pushing fast is easy, just think of a song that has a 100 beats a minute,
like Man in the Mirror, Staying Alive - push to that rhythm.
Don't stop don't give in,
keep going to the help arrives.
Just to summarize,
the new Hands_Only_CPR's hands only.
Act fast not slowly.
Ask them if they are okay.
Pick someone and just say
dial 911!
Push hard and fast in the center of the chest.

Produced by The American Heart Association SouthWest Affiliate, Denver
Producer: Sara Tobin
Sponsored by Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children
and ARG! Cartoon Animation LLC
ARG! Cartoon Animation
Stilwell, Oklahoma USA
Artie Romero
Art and animation
Matthew Rebel
Ayla Radies
Post Production
Matthew Rebel
Ayla Radies
Sara Tobin
Maya Miko
Megan Pitman
Jason Lewis
Seamus Hannan
CCM Recording Studios
Denver, CO USA
IMDb title page
Copyright © American Heart Association & ARG! Cartoon Animation LLC