Father's Day animations

Father's Day animation GIF: #1 Dad

Number One Dad - 14K Send ecard
GIF animation by Artie Romero and Don Mangan
Father's Day is the third Sunday in June

Send a free father's day ecard

Pie for dad - 15K

Pot belly dad - 2K
Potbelly dad with background - 13K
Pot belly dad - enjoy your special day - 12K
Enjoy your special day! still image - 15K
Enjoy your special day - 26K

World's best dad large - 48K send ecard
World's best dad - 43K

Pretty girl winking, "happy father's day" - 25K send ecard

Papa bear & baby bear - 3K
Papa bear painted background - 14K
Papa bear "happy father's day" with bg - 14K send ecard
Papa bear with bg - 8K
Papa bear, baby bear small - 3K

Dancing "happy father's day" - 37K
Dancing "happy father's day" blue on white - 74K
Dancing "happy father's day" blue/white - 43K
Dancing "happy father's day" gold/black - 35K send ecard
Dancing "happy father's day" red/black - 35K

Dancing "I love grandpa" - 34K send ecard
Dancing "I love grandpa" green/black - 27K
Dancing "I love grandpa" small - 22K


Dancing "I love my dad" - 28K send ecard
Dancing "I love my dad", white on black - 28K

Dancing "#1 dad" - 24K
Dancing "#1 dad", green - 24K send ecard
Dancing "#1 dad" small - 20K

Dad with map, "happy father's day" - 45K send ecard

Number one Dad - 27K
No. 1 dad small - 20K
Number one dad large - 26K send ecard

Teddy bear salutes, "happy father's day" - 35K send ecard

Animated wallpaper

(Web page backgrounds)

Dancing "#1 dad" - 14K
#1 Dad small - 9K
#1 Dad small - 10K
Dancing "Happy Fathers Day" - 43K
Happy fathers day small - 24K
Dancing "I love grandpa" - 35K
I love grandpa small - 17K

Non-animated wallpaper

I Love Grandpa - 3K
#1 Dad - 2K
Happy Father's Day - 4K

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Copyright © 2024 ARG! Cartoon Animation™. FREE for use on non-commercial pages that link to ArtieStick.com. See license info and terms of use. Updated 03/03/2020