This promotional film about Alexander Film Company includes samples of their theatrical and television commercials from the late 1940s. This historic film is in the permanent collection of the Pikes Peak Library District. Alexander, at its peak of production, employed 600 workers in Colorado Springs and produced films for well over 20,000 clients. They claimed to be the world's largest producer of "film ads" for theaters and television. There were 50 artists in their art department, and the company produced a large amount of animation footage. Some animation work was outsourced to famous animators, including Frederick B. "Tex" Avery. The company had its own water tower and electric power plant, and there were tunnels connecting the main buildings. Highly flamable nitrate films were stored in a series of underground bunkers.
The Alexander brothers started building their Colorado Springs facility in 1928. Longtime ARG! director William Kirk Kennedy (1953-2010) worked at Alexander as a teenager, painting animation backgrounds. In 1983, ARG! founder Artie Romero began filming his animation projects at Alexander Film Company, working with A.C.E. cameraman Leo Freed.
ARG! Cartoon Animation leased a 3-story building built in 1946 on the old Alexander property from Alexander Properties, Russel Palmer's company, and used it as a studio from late April, 2007 until the end of July, 2017.