These short bumpers starring Artie Stick were produced for the ARG! Cartoon Animation TV special, which will be hitting the airwaves in over 100 U.S. cities. Artie Stick was created by ARG! founder Artie Romero in 1972, and first published in newspapers and comic books in 1974. Gretchen Piper handled the video post and audio sweetening.
Artie Romero
Henry Andrews-Jones
Featuring the voice of Chris Hardy as Artie Stick
Character design (1972)
Artie Edward Romero
Character turnaround and rigging
Henry Andrews-Jones
Henry Andrews-Jones
Atinuke Kemi Oyebade
Gabriel Carroll-Dolci
Live video
Artie Romero
Extras seen working in studio
Henry Andrew-Jones
Hector E. Molina
Gretchen M. Piper
Sarah Waite
Artie Romero
Sound effects, Music
Creative Commons 3.0 license (Attribution)
Copyright 2017 © ARG! Cartoon Animation LLC
The character Artie Stick appeared in newspapers and comic books copyright 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1991 and 2016 © Artie E. Romero.