The Pandas in Panda-kah (2009)

In 2009, ARG! was contracted by writer/producer Dan Janis to produce the storyboards and animation for this three-minute TV mini-pilot or demo. In Aniboom and the Fox Network's competition to develop a new prime time animated series, it ranked #12 in the competition's standings. Mr. Janis didn't win, but he made a name for himself in Hollywood, appearing on shows like Dating Naked.

The characters were designed and the whole show animated in less than a month. After being featured on Aniboom, ARG! and Mr. Janis' YouTube channels, the pilot has gotten a total of more than 75,000 views, and its short promo has gotten about 70,000 views.

Writer and producer
Dan Janis

Dan Janis
Nora Ellenes

Artie Romero

Character design
Anna Glanton
Rebekah Failla
Don Mangan

Sean Slattery

Kevin Johnson
Jonathan Luongo
Mike Yoo
Lisa Tyler
Brett Rapp
Sreemanendu Bhatta

Video editor
Tim Romero

Artie Romero
Natalie Wetzig
Rebekah Failla
Teresa Leong
Kevin Johnson
Nicolette Donohoe
Sean Slattery
William Kirk Kennedy (1953-2010)

Kevin MacLeod

Sound Recording
Metro Recording Studio, Ltd.

Special thanks
Jonathan Janis
Lorinda Lukenbach

IMDbIMDb title page

Copyright 2009 © Daniel Janis

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