Shark in the swimming pool - 45K
Animation by Rebekah Failla and Artie Romero
Animated GIFs
Fire on the grill, funny barbeque, grilling cartoon - 25K
Grill on fire, smaller animation - 19K
"Happy Memorial Day," Grill on Fire, barbeque, Memorial Day animation - 21K
Surfer sees shark on surfboard, 207x165 - 18K
Surfer sees shark on surfboard, flat background, larger 253x165 - 7K
Surfer babe on beach with surfboard - 12K

Surfer woman on beach - 9K
Surfer girl with surfboard, white background - 4K
Surfer lady with surf board, small, white BG - 4K
Girl with surfer dude on beach with surfboard - 19K
Girl with surfer dude on beach with surfboard, white background - 3K
Girl with surfer dude and surfboard on beach, smaller - 13K
Big rock crushing hiker, mountains and trees in background - 17K
Boulder falling on hiker, white background - 5K
Hiker squashed under boulder, white background - 7K
Big rock nearly crushing hiker, mountain background, large - 29K
Boulder almost falls on hiker, medium size, mountain valley background - 17K
Boulder might fall on hiker, small, white background - 4K
Caterpillar eating flower petal, large - 30K
Caterpillar eating flower petal - 19K
Dancing corn drops an ear - 13K
Dancing corn drops an ear, white background - 7K
Stalk of corn dancing, white BG, small 100x140 - 6K
Fat hungry bug surprises happy flower, large - 31K
Bug surprises happy flower, with background - 21K
Fat hungry caterpillar looking over flower, small 144x200 with background - 18K
Pudgy caterpillar peeking over flower, licks lips, white background - 4K

Camping out with a tent and a campfire - 11K
Tent catches fire - 29K
Tent catching on fire short version - 17K
Campfire - 4K
Camp fire animation with more shading - 7K
Tent collapses - 16K
Tent collapsing white background - 7K
Kid in a swimming pool - 16K
Swimming pool animation white background - 11K
Kid in a pool with a shark - 45K
Swimming pool with shark short version - 32K
Kid in swimming pool with a shark white background - 22K
Diving board - 18K
Diving board - 17K
Diving board white background - 4K
Building a sand castle - 13K
Sand castle cartoon, smaller - 8K
Building a sand castle, white background - 3K
Sand castle collapses - 18K
Sand castle collapsing, smaller - 18K
Sand castle falls down, white background - 7K
Guy surfing a big wave, nicely painted - 17K
Surfer catches a big wave, with flat colors - 6K
Strong lifeguard showing off on beach - 11K
Life guard flexes muscles, simple, flat colors - 5K
Fly and carnivorous plant, gulp! - 16K
Fly and carnivorous plant white background - 8K
Fly and carnivorous plant smaller, 127x142 - 6K
Fly and carnivorous plant - 15K
Venus flytrap eats a fly, longer version - 9K

Woman slams volleyball, beach background - 34K
Woman slamming volleyball, plain yellow background - 14K
Woman hitting volleyball, small , white background - 24K
Man looking at map - 41K 
Man reading a map dark background - 42K
Still (non-animated) Cartoons
Have fun on your vacation family in a big car - 70K 
Guy surfing a big wave, still cartoon JPEG - 32K
Beach volleyball - 46K
Female surfer on beach, still cartoon JPEG - 36K
Surfer couple on beach with surfboard, JPEG - 49K
Campfire cartoon picture still cartoon - 14K
Diving board cartoon picture still cartoon - 37K
Building a sand castle, still cartoon JPEG - 36K

Making a sand castle, smaller JPEG - 33K
Fly cartoon picture still cartoon - 15K
Kid in a pool picture (still cartoon) - 11K
Pup tent cartoon still cartoon - 36K
Camp cartoon, tent, no trees - 32K
Copyright © 2024 ARG! Cartoon Animation™. Updated 03/03/2020